Importance of Meta Analysis

Any research based study starts with a research objective, and that objective comes out from a research gap in any context. The research gap comes out of the careful scrutiny of the literature on several contexts, and when the researcher finds out that a particular piece of study is missing in any particular context, a […]

Common problems while writing for journal publication

    No theory: it involves a lack of explanation of variable relationships.     Concepts and operationalistaion not being in alignment with each other: this problem surfaces when the research design is not reflecting the variables under current study which could be because of differences in analysis level.     Insufficient definition: when the authors are not […]

Criteria for evaluating research questions

Research questions should meet the following criteria for a dissertation: Questions should be clear: questions framed should be understandable to the researcher, supervisor and the research fraternity. Questions should be researchable: questions should be capable of development into a research design, so that data could be collected in regard to the. This implies that extremely […]

Classic experimental design and validity

The purpose of the control group in an experiment is to control the various possible effects of rival explaining a causal finding. We may then be in a position to take actual view that the study is valid internally.  The random assignment of subjects to the control and experimental groups and the presence of a […]

Enhancing educational world through location intelligence

In order to increase the business revenue, a new research era has come up with the name of location intelligence. The business depends upon many factors like: stakeholders, customers, clients, land, site selection, market research. With the help of this new era location intelligence, many locations, customers in plenty could be captured anywhere.  Another advantage […]

Components of the research paper

There should be considerable amount of research before the topic is initiated. It is important to proceed logically through the research process which enables the researcher to focus sharply on the topic and also aids in writing a concise, clear and paper that holds significance. The following steps could be followed: Choose few alternative topics […]

Mentoring That Helps You Score High

In an increasingly competitive world, it has become ever more important to excel in higher studies so as to have good career opportunities. If you are a research scholar, getting the right mentoring will help you excel in your field of study. Presenting your work in a notable manner will add weight to your abilities […]

Score High with flawless services of Scoring High

Aspiring to score high in your PhD and Master’s Courses? Retort to the professional services of Scoring high and get entitled to an impeccable project through online support. It is significant to present your project in a remarkable manner to provide an offbeat experience to visualize. Scoring high aims at providing an effective and research […]